This poll was active 10.23.2011 through 10.29.2011.
Author: The Tim
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2011-10-22
Wait, wait wait. I thought we were headed for a terrible shortage? "Apartment vacancies rising again" via @realestatepi # RT @PSBJ: 29% of Wash. banks under "severe" enforcement action # J. Lennox Scott: "Housing is the way out of a recession." Um, no. That & more misguided claims in his latest screed:…
Friday Flashback: Condos “providing a ray of sunshine”
Yesterday’s post about Alaska Air’s condo-booster “article” reminded me of this 2007 piece in the Seattle Times: Condos a bright spot in housing market The condo market is healthier than the detached-house market, and prices are holding their own. Those are the key findings from an analysis released Friday of the Seattle-area condominium market by…
Weekend Open Thread (2011-10-21)
Here is your open thread for the weekend beginning Friday October 21st, 2011. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word…
Fly the Real Estate Cheerleading Skies with Alaska Air
A few readers who have been flying recently pointed me toward a delightful magazine publication that apparently graces seat-back pouches on Alaska Air planes, providing otherwise entertainment-free flyers with something to do. Unfortunately, it seems that someone in the editing department mis-labled the “Humor” section of the magazine as “Real Estate.” Consider the following excerpts…