It’s time once again for the monthly reporting roundup, where you can read my wry commentary about the news instead of subjecting yourself to boring rehashes of the NWMLS press release (or in addition to, if that’s what floats your boat). To kick things off, here’s an excerpt from the NWMLS press release: High demand,…
Category: News
News, current events, etc.
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2012-11-30
Nice! @Zillow tweaked their rent vs. buy methodology after reading my criticism of @Trulia's nonsense. -> Hmm @Estately's 11/21 post is awfully similar to an '09 post I wrote & linked to earlier on 11/21. -> Sweet seminary campus in Tacoma just had another big price cut, down to $5.4M from $8M…
The Rent Won’t Be Too Damn High For Long
Are you a Seattle-area renter who feels like rents have been going up too quickly the last couple of years? There’s a great article by Eric Pryne this morning in the Seattle Times that you should read: Ballard’s apartment boom comes with risks Seattle’s apartment boom extends far beyond Ballard. Nearly 8,400 units are under…
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2012-11-23
"Mastros had jewelry worth millions in France, trustee says" via @SeattleTimes -> Our Guess the Price Rerun contest house ( ) went pending at $299,950 yesterday! -> Bill McBride of @CalculatedRisk – "This is the best shape we’ve been in since ’97." ->
Pro Tip: Rainy Days are Best for Home Shopping
We have touched on this subject in the past, but since it has been three years and it’s an important point that many home shoppers overlook, I wanted to highlight it again: rainy weather is the the best weather for home shopping in the Pacific Northwest (west of the Cascades anyway). There are many problems…