This poll was active 07.08.2012 through 07.14.2012
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2012-07-07
"Northgate redevelopment raises citywide affordability concerns" via @SeattleTimes # "Auction marks Suncadia's return to marketing condos" via @SeattleTimes # On Vashon Island, homeowner septic problems are everybody's problem: via @SeattleTimes # Powered by Twitter Tools
June Reporting Roundup: Double Financial Impact Edition
It’s time once again for the monthly reporting roundup, where you can read my wry commentary about the news instead of subjecting yourself to boring rehashes of the NWMLS press release (or in addition to, if that’s what floats your boat). To kick things off, here’s an excerpt from the NWMLS press release: Sales volume,…
NWMLS: Never Mind the Mix, Home Prices are Soaring!
June market stats were released by the NWMLS this afternoon. First up, here’s a snippet from their press release: Sales volume, home prices around Washington state rising amid inventory shortages in many areas. June may have been cooler and wetter than normal, but weather did not seem to deter home buyers and sellers around western…