It’s been a few months since we visited the subject of consumer confidence, so let’s update our interactive chart again. You can drag the time sliders below the chart to view data going all the way back to 1998. Powered by Tableau At 51.4, the Present Situation Index has gained 154% from its December 2009…
Poll: A year from now, Seatle’s Case-Shiller Index will be ___ than it is right now.
This poll was active 05.13.2012 through 05.19.2012
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2012-05-12
Amazon adds details to planned three-tower complex via @SeattleTimes # Powered by Twitter Tools
Pro Tip: LeakFrog to the Rescue
Sorry, no time for a substantive post today. Dealing with a leak a section of my home’s sewer line that runs right under the platform the previous home owner built to hold the water heater. Thankfully, when water started pouring out of a failed joint last night, the LeakFrog I had placed in that area…
Reader Question: Current Challenges for Sellers?
Reader Serafina asked a good question on yesterday’s post: There’s been a lot of discussion on the blog about the buyer’s side — how it might be good to wait until fall, how there are bidding wars, etc. What about the sellers? We are getting ready to sell. Why? We bought in ’99; we’ve got…