Someone forwarded me an interesting email yesterday. The spammy message apparently being sent to various mortgage brokers claims that “We’ll pay you for the clients you can’t do loans for.” Here’s some of the email copy (emphasis theirs): We coach people who are underwater in their homes. We don’t do loans, we don’t sell real…
Real Actual Listing Photos: User-Submitted Potpourri
It’s time for another installment of Real Actual Listing Photos. Once a month (or so) I round up some of the most bizarre listing photos from around the Seattle area and post them here, with brief excerpts from the real actual listing description, and probably a bit of snarky commentary. The idea for this series…
Poll: Are you better off than you were in 2007?
This poll was active 04.17.2011 through 04.23.2011.
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2011-04-16
Nice write-up about @mikeindustries' home & website ( on @SeattleTimes # But wait, I thought they had already "reset"? RT @urbnlivn: New Urbnlivn post: Olive 8 Cuts Prices # Powered by Twitter Tools
Friday Flashback: Why Second-Guess Forbes & Moody’s?
Today’s flashback comes from September 2006, when Forbes tackled the question: How Low Will Real Estate Go? Get used to it—the seller’s market is closing up shop. The days of fat, fast home value increases are gone. Pack away those flipping fantasies. “The boom is definitely over, there’s no debate about that,” said Mark Zandi,…