View this map in its own window Last week I had another guest post at Get Rich Slowly on the subject of why you should rent first when you move to a new city. I’m not going to repeat everything I said over there, but I did want to share the map at right. What…
Real Actual Listing Photo Statistics
Full disclosure: The Tim is employed by Redfin. Inspired by an awesome OKCupid blog post about how camera models and other photo properties affect profile pics that made its rounds at the office in August, I was recently able to convince Redfin that it would be a good use of my on-the-clock time to do…
Poll: How long do you commute to work?
This poll was active 10.10.2010 through 10.16.2010.
Trulia Geography FAIL
Notice anything… off about this infographic attached to Trulia’s Rent vs. Buy comparison? Feel free to download the original pdf from Trulia, just to make sure I’m not making this up.
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2010-10-09
Great story from a reluctant landlord that bought in 2001(!) in Vegas. via @GRSblog # Interesting: RT @ARDELLd: In my email "NWMLS Has Lost 37% of its Offices (Since Oct. 2008)" # Spotted by a reader on @KOMOnews Discouraged homeowners: 'You can't really make it any more' # via @PSBJ – Revealed! Photos…