Time for our detailed look at foreclosure activity for February in King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties. First up, the Notice of Trustee Sale summary: February 2009 King: 722 NTS, down 13.8% YOY Snohomish: 472 NTS, down 6.5% YOY Pierce: 455 NTS, down 21.3% YOY Here’s your interactive Tableau dashboard updated with the latest foreclosure data:…
Declines in King’s Median Price Softened by Sales Shifts
Yesterday in our discussion about the wide variety of median price changes in neighborhoods around King County, a question came up: How can two thirds of the neighborhoods be experiencing median price declines but the county-wide median is basically flat? This is a phenomenon we have addressed here in the past, but since it has…
Median Prices Still Crashing in Some Neighborhoods
As we were digging through the February data from the NWMLS, some of us noticed something interesting. While the county-wide median price was basically flat year-over-year, there is a pretty strong divergence from region to region around the county. Here’s what the YOY median price breakdown looks like at the region level: SW King: -12.8%…
Some Insight Into Why Real Estate Reporting Usually Sucks
Thursday night I attended my first Ignite event. Ignite is based on a simple premise: presenters get 5 minutes on stage with a 20-slide presentation that auto-advances every 15 seconds. Thursday’s event had 16 or so speakers on a wide variety of subjects. I definitely recommend attending. While there were no real estate related topics…
Poll: Best way to buy real estate?
Please vote in this poll using the sidebar. This poll will be active and displayed on the sidebar through 03.13.2010.