April 2008: Raising Prices to Entice Buyers—wait, what? (Awesome plan, Escala!) Developer Lexas Cos. said this week that on June 5 it will raise the asking prices 3 to 7 percent for about 70 unsold units that have been on the market since last spring. Another 22 units that will be released for sale May…
January Stats Preview: Mixed Messages Edition
Now that the last month of 2009 is behind us, let’s have a look at January’s stats preview. Most of the charts below are based on broad county-wide data that is available through a simple search of King County Records. If you have additional stats you’d like to see in the “preview,” drop a line…
Interactive Map of Washington’s Banks and Credit Unions
With the failure of American Marine Bank on Bainbridge Island becoming Washington State’s third bank failure of 2010 on Friday, I thought it would be interesting to take another look at our state’s troubled banks. The following charts are based on data from the FDIC, the NCUA, and Calculated Risk’s latest Unofficial Problem Bank List…
Poll: What’s the best asset to buy to hedge against inflation?
Please vote in this poll using the sidebar. This poll will be active and displayed on the sidebar through 02.06.2010.
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2010-01-30
Oops, something went wrong with today's weekly Twitter roundup post that was preventing comments. It should be fixed now. # via the PSBJ: Downtown's strange new real estate map (buildings currently under construction in downtown Seattle) http://is.gd/72Id6 # Seattle Times compares seasonally-adjusted Case-Shiller national data to non-SA Seattle data. Smooth. http://is.gd/75IYy # Mish takes on…