Let’s say you’re a prudent person who has compared the financial realities of buying vs. renting and made the decision to rent for now. However, with the frequent news reports about increasing rents that seem intended to scare people out of deciding to rent, you’re a little concerned about finding a good deal. Well fear…
Poll: What’s your February KC SFH Sales Prediction?
Please vote in this poll using the sidebar. This poll will be active and displayed on the sidebar through 03.01.2008.
Those Darn Fundamentals
This is a little redundant, but that’s why I’m posting it on a Saturday. It’s just a slightly different take on the economic fundamentals that allegedly drive the local housing market. Much of this data comes from the recently-released 2007 King County Annual Growth Report. You can get all these charts and the data behind…
What happens to listings?
As a follow-on to Tim’s post yesterday about the practice of relisting properties, here is a look at what has been happening to inventory over the past few years, and how the trends have changed over time. The questions “what is happening with all of those listings” and “how many sellers just give up?” have…
Shady Practice of Relisting Gets National Attention
A few people pointed out this national story that ran on last night’s Nightline: Buyer Beware: Unsold Homes Are Often ‘Re-listed’. It’s a tactic called “re-listing,” which is legal and more common than you think. “Re-listing is just refreshing the home on the market,” Niece explained, “making the home look like it just came on…