Unlike the other cities across the country that experienced surging prices and are now seeing price declines, Seattle will be immune from such forces. Why? Because of our strong employment, of course! Here in Seattle, our job market is so much better than the rest of the country, there’s no way our home prices could…
On Condos and Condo Marketers
There’s an amusing article over at Seattlest on the strange proclivity that Seattle P-I reporter Aubrey Cohen has for quoting the marketing firm Williams Marketing: Did you know that there’s only one credible real-estate industry voice in Seattle? It’s a marketing firm in town that works with real estate developers. We’ve learned this from reading…
Now is a good time to sell… NOT!
I’ve noticed a few posts in the comments and over in forums regarding inventory levels – which appear to be flat to down over the last couple of weeks. Given these I thought it was worth laying out a historical perspective on inventory levels. If you’ve delved into the Seattle Bubble spreadsheet, you know that…
Reporters Have Difficulty Understanding Supply & Demand
Yet another fear-mongering “rents to skyrocket” article popped up this weekend, this one over at KIRO 7. Odds are, they’re going to hike your rent next year — perhaps by more than you expected. She slowdown in the Seattle housing market is beginning to impact apartment, condo and home renters, too. For sale signs are…
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