"Mastros had jewelry worth millions in France, trustee says" http://t.co/ELFbyfPU via @SeattleTimes -> Our Guess the Price Rerun contest house ( http://t.co/edINVV65 ) went pending at $299,950 yesterday! http://t.co/TwVq4bSo -> Bill McBride of @CalculatedRisk – "This is the best shape we’ve been in since ’97." http://t.co/08ZEvjYQ ->
Friday Flashback: Not a Recipe For Disaster
Here’s something I’m thankful for: That nonsense like this drivel written seven years ago by former Seattle Times real estate “reporter” Elizabeth Rhodes turned out to be totally false. Priced out: Home appreciation report This past year’s broad-based price increase is one of the largest the U.S. has seen since at least 1970, economist Stanley…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Taking the day off with family, so no substantive post today. See you tomorrow!
Pro Tip: Rainy Days are Best for Home Shopping
We have touched on this subject in the past, but since it has been three years and it’s an important point that many home shoppers overlook, I wanted to highlight it again: rainy weather is the the best weather for home shopping in the Pacific Northwest (west of the Cascades anyway). There are many problems…
Bank-Owned Sales Now Almost Exclusively at the Low End
It’s been a few months since I posted the histogram of monthly sales. Let’s take another look as of October’s data. To generate the chart below, I took all the sales data for single-family homes sold in King, Snohomish, and Pierce Counties from the beginning of 2010 through the end of October. Since my data…