Here’s a question I received from a reader over the weekend: I have $50k in the bank, no debt, make 50k per year and am confident in a position that will pay 75k per year starting 06/10. Let’s assume that if the position doesn’t happen, I will take a second job to make up the…
Poll: Rate Obama’s Handling of the Economic Mess
Please vote in this poll using the sidebar. This poll will be active and displayed on the sidebar through 10.24.2009.
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2009-10-17
"Americans are still delusional about the long-term trajectory for house prices" # Peter Schiff on the Dori Monson show right now on 97.3FM # "Washington has lost almost 1 out of every 20 jobs since the state's economy began slumping early last year." # Seattle P-I takes on the new NWMLS rules that…
Estimating the Local Effects and Aftermath of the $8,000 Tax Credit
Organizations like the National Ass. of Realtors and the National Ass. of Home Builders have been throwing around estimates of how many sales have been “stimulated” by the $8,000 tax credit nationwide, and a recent editorial by Washington State Treasurer James McIntire in favor of the inefficient, expensive, and economically stupid program throws out a…
Seattle-Area Foreclosures Appear to Resume Pre SB-5810 Rise
Time for our September update on Foreclosure activity in King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties. First up, the Notice of Trustee Sale summary: September 2009 King: 796 NTS, up 31% YOY Snohomish: 421 NTS, up 42% YOY Pierce: 479 NTS, down 11% YOY Not surprisingly, as the newly-mandated 30-day pipeline begins to fill up, foreclosures seem…