I don’t know about anybody else here, but I for one am a total sucker for Dr. Laura. Thanks to a company department picnic, on my way home from work today I had a rare opportunity to partake in this particular indulgence, and I heard an interesting call. Here’s an excerpt: https://seattlebubble.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/drlaura_2007-08-22-partial.mp3 If you can’t…
Local Foreclosures Continue Climb
Aubrey Cohen of the P-I reports on the continuing trend of the increasing number of local foreclosures. Skipping over the article’s pointless comparisons with other parts of the country that are clearly ahead of Seattle on the bubble-bursting curve, here’s the meat of what’s going on around here: Area foreclosure filings in July were up…
Somewhere Between Anxiety and Denial
As the mortgage industry begins to crumble and home prices are declining across the nation, the local media and blogging real estate insiders seem to be getting a bit anxious. Maybe it’s just me, but take a look at some of the recent headlines: Home values here still rising (Elizabeth Rhodes, Seattle Times) Seattle-area homes…
More Median Price Musings
Last week Tim had a great post on median prices, where he looked at sales by area of the county, and showed that sales had remained strong in the high end locations while they had dropped away in the lower-priced areas. It was great analysis, and it got the wheels turning in my head –…
Washington State Plenty Exposed to Mortgage Mess
Warning: Mild sarcasm ahead Look what happens when you let someone other than a seasoned real estate reporter write articles about the market. You get the frightening truth—Washington State and the Seattle area are not exempt from feeling the effects of the national lending meltdown. Go figure. Ongoing turmoil in the subprime mortgage industry could…